It feels so good that your dick becomes stupid! I will teach you how to "squirting for men"

Men Also Crave Intense Pleasure! 

When we think of "squirting," it's often associated with women, but let's not forget that men can experience this exhilarating sensation too! As someone who has firsthand knowledge, I can attest to the unique pleasure that male ejaculation brings. The feeling of liberation and ecstasy is truly unparalleled.

In this guide, geared towards those passionate about self-pleasure, we'll delve into the intricacies of male squirting—how it happens and what it feels like. You'll also get insights from the experiences of men in our editorial team.

If you're curious about experiencing intense pleasure that leaves you yearning for more, dive into our comprehensive exploration.

Squirting for a man feels much better than ejaculation!

Having experienced it multiple times at my preferred erotic beauty salon, I can confidently say that a man's squirting sensation surpasses traditional ejaculation. It's a feeling that's hard to put into words.

If ejaculation is akin to the "release" of tension, then male squirting is more like the "sensation of urination." Picture the sensation of letting go after holding it in for a while—it's like a cascading shower of pleasure.

What sets male squirting apart is its lack of control. It happens irrespective of your will, making it the ultimate orgasm, evoking a sense of immorality and a touch of humiliation.

While male squirting is often associated with adult entertainment, it's entirely possible to experience it independently. Before delving into the "how," let's first understand the mechanics behind this extraordinary phenomenon.

Mechanism of male squirting

While "male squirting" may be familiar from adult content, it remains a relatively unknown phenomenon to many. Before delving into the techniques, let's shed light on its mechanism.

The true identity of tide is pee

Contrary to popular belief, the liquid expelled during "male squirting" is urine retained in the bladder. Unlike the slightly white semen ejaculated during regular ejaculation, squirting involves the release of a colorless and transparent liquid. 

Dispelling Myths: A Revelation from Kawasaki Medical University 

Despite previous notions that "a man's tide is different from semen and urine," a November 2018 paper from Kawasaki Medical University's Department of Urology clarified that the composition of the tide closely resembles that of urine. This recent insight demystifies the true identity of this phenomenon. 

Urine is squirted out due to contraction and expansion of the prostate gland.

Urine is expelled through the contraction and expansion of the prostate gland. A man's ejaculation is driven by the same mechanism, occurring immediately after the prostate gland undergoes these movements. Male squirting, however, takes place only after ejaculation.

Continuing to stimulate the penis post-ejaculation leads to repeated contractions and expansions of the prostate. This rhythmic motion draws urine from the bladder into the urethra, causing it to squirt out from the urethral opening, akin to a water gun.

A man's squirting experience is a blend of urination and post-ejaculatory sensations. Beyond the simultaneous feeling of urination and ejaculation, there's an element of uncontrollable immorality, making it the ultimate climax.

Is it different from female squirting?

In women, targeting the G-spot is believed to stimulate the Skene glands, enhancing the likelihood of squirting. However, due to limited research progress, the precise mechanism behind female squirting remains unnamed. Unlike men, the composition of the fluid expelled—whether urine, love juice, or a combination—is not clearly understood.

A key distinction from "male squirting" is that men can only squirt immediately after ejaculation, while women can do so at any time. Notably, women may not find squirting itself pleasurable. Scenes of squirting and climax in erotic videos are often staged, emphasizing the importance of recognizing the separation between "climax" (vaginal expansion and contraction) and "squirting" for women.

How to make a man squirt

Just by jerking your dick all the time, you won't be able to squirt comfortably... The procedure is important for men to squirt! So, from here on, I will explain how men can squirt by themselves.

1. Drink 1 liter of water beforehand

As previously mentioned, a man's "tide" is essentially urine stored in the bladder. To ensure an ample supply, it's important to stay hydrated. However, sudden consumption of a large volume of water may cause discomfort, so aim for at least 1 liter. Importantly, avoid using the restroom before engaging in masturbation, as this depletes the water content in your bladder.

Take note of the water's temperature when hydrating. Cold water or juice can lower your body temperature, reducing sensitivity and making squirting more challenging. Opt for lukewarm water during rehydration to maintain optimal body temperature and enhance your experience.

2. Give a normal hand job and ejaculate

Engage in a typical handjob, focusing on pleasurable stimulation to achieve ejaculation.

It's crucial to understand that a man's squirting occurs exclusively immediately after ejaculation. Therefore, begin by enhancing pleasure through handjob masturbation and proceed to ejaculate normally.

While the steps leading to ejaculation may not directly relate to squirting, maintaining sensitivity is key. Post-ejaculation, concentrate on keeping the glans as sensitive as possible. Dedicate time and effort to serious and prolonged masturbation for an optimal experience.

It's good to use not only your favorite wank, but also lotions and masturbators.

3. Stimulate the penis without resting even after ejaculation

A man's squirting occurs immediately after ejaculation. Maintain continuous stimulation of your penis right after climax. Although post-ejaculation fatigue may tempt you to take a break, push through it and persistently stimulate the glans.

Squeezing the recently ejaculated glans may initially feel uncomfortable, making you think you can't continue. However, if you endure, an indescribable tingling pleasure will surge from the depths of your body.

Typically, the moment for a man to squirt is within 20 to 30 seconds after initiating stimulation post-ejaculation. If you're less accustomed to the process, it may take a bit longer. Keep in mind that perseverance is key.

4. When you feel the urge to urinate, release it without stopping the stimulation!

The sensation akin to needing to pee intensifies, yet it's crucial not to pause—persist in stimulating the glans. As the pleasure reaches its zenith, liquid will emerge from the tip of your penis. This marks the exact moment a man has been anticipating.

Commonly, individuals worry about the possibility of urination and cease stimulation. However, overcoming this mental barrier is essential. By pushing past this concern, the tide will ultimately be released. Removing psychological barriers is often more critical than addressing physical limitations in achieving this unique experience.

Tips for men to squirt 1: Stimulate with glans massage

Glans massage is crucial for inducing male squirting, providing an efficient means of stimulating the sensitized penis post-ejaculation. Follow the basic glans massage method outlined below:

  1. Grasp and hold the shaft firmly with one hand.
  2. Apply some oil to your other palm and spread it across the top of the glans, forming a partial circle.
  3. Stroke while rotating, ensuring the hollow of your palm makes contact with the glans.

Engaging in a prolonged basic massage can lead to squirting, but there are alternative techniques for glans massage. To ensure success, put effort into mastering these techniques if you're eager to experience squirting.

1. Sandwiched in the shape of a chopsticks

Form your hands into a rock-paper-scissors shape and position them at the base of the penis, creating a sandwich-like grip. Consider twisting your wrist slightly to achieve a favorable angle.

With your hands maintaining the scissor shape, rub from the base (penis neck) to the glans. The level of pleasure intensifies with increased erection (hardness of your penis), amplifying the friction. This technique also carries a teasing effect, making it a recommended addition to foreplay during sexual encounters.

2. “Cat’s hands” where you curl your hands tightly and rub them.

Drawing inspiration from the cooking rule of using a "cat's hand" when cutting vegetables, apply this technique to glans massage, creating a "cat's paw."

When performing this massage on the glans, you can use your dominant hand. After forming a "cat's hand," gently hook it onto the penis head, ensuring your hands are well-oiled for smooth movement.

Position your hand so that the bulge at the top of the second joint of your middle finger is against the urethral opening. Continue rubbing, using your index finger and little finger to stimulate the sides of the glans. The delicate sensations will create an addictive experience.

3. Using gauze

While this method requires a tool, it offers a smoother glans stimulation compared to other techniques. Here's a step-by-step guide:

  1. Wet the gauze (or bandage) thoroughly with water and wring it out completely.
  2. Soak the damp gauze in lotion.
  3. Pull the gauze tightly with both hands and rub it around the glans.

Apply oil and gently rub the glans with it.

If you're not accustomed to this, prolonged use of gauze may cause discomfort. Initially, it's advisable to use a soft cotton cloth to gently rub the area.

4. “Hell car” that puts a fierce spin on the neck and glans

This massage method employs both hands to simultaneously target the glans and neck. Follow these steps:

Form a loop with your index finger and thumb, hook it around the penis neck, and slowly rotate it.

Place your other palm on the glans and rotate it in the opposite direction.

This technique maximizes glans stimulation with a grinding motion from both above and below. The intense stimulation may lead to the rapid hardening of your penis immediately after ejaculation.

5. “Screwdriver” that relentlessly attacks the tip of the glans

A massage method designed to stimulate the penis using the opposite hand. While it may initially strain the wrist, with practice, it becomes a technique suitable for solo masturbation.

Hold the entire penis with your opposite hand, with the index finger and thumb positioned on the testicle side. Continue providing a handjob while rubbing the tip of the glans with your middle finger, ring finger, and little finger.

The broader contact surface, compared to a regular handjob, enhances the sensation significantly. Applying ample lotion and incorporating gentle squeezing can make the experience even more effective.

6. “Sole of the palm” that relentlessly attacks the tip

"Sole of the palm" is a striking technique derived from martial arts, involving striking the opponent with the part of the palm near the wrist.

In glans massage, the "palm base" is utilized similarly. Press the area of your palm near the wrist (where the bones protrude) against the tip of the glans, and rub it in upward, downward, left, and right motions. For an enhanced experience, cupping your palms slightly can further intensify the pleasure.

Tips for men to squirt 2: Stimulate strongly with an electric masturbator

Individual sensitivity varies, and some may find it challenging to achieve squirting through manual stimulation alone. If manual methods prove difficult, consider utilizing an electric masturbator for more intense glans stimulation. 

Among them, the Devourer is recommended as a masturbator specialized in targeting the glans. With super vibrations reaching hundreds of times per minute, it promises to lead you to an unparalleled pleasure experience.

Tips for men to squirt 3: Stimulate your hearing with naughty hypnotic sounds

Some men may lament, "I can't squirt if I only stimulate the glans...'' It takes time to get good at glans massage. At first, you may feel frustrated because you want to play but can't play any time soon.

Therefore, we recommend using a "hypnotic voice'' at the same time. "Hypnotic audio" is content that hypnotizes you with naughty sounds heard through your ears and sends a signal to your brain to produce an orgasm.

Tip 4 for men to squirt: If you can't do it yourself, ask your partner for help.

Squirting in men occurs when the penis continues to be stimulated after ejaculation. Following ejaculation, a period of decreased sexual tension, known as "sage time," ensues, making it exceptionally challenging to achieve squirting independently.

If self-stimulation proves difficult, seeking assistance from a partner can be effective. With a partner, stimulation can occur regardless of personal motivation or intention. If the tickling sensation induces a physically intense reaction, it might be helpful to restrain your own hands with strings before initiating stimulation.

For those experiencing exhaustion or a dislike of being touched during Sage Time, self-stimulating the nipples or anus is an alternative. This can prolong the sexual sensation, making squirting more achievable.

Points to note when squirting for men

If you've made it this far, many men are probably thinking, "I want to experience squirting!" Of course it's good to try squirting, but don't forget the fact that there are some precautions.

From here, I will show you how to safely make a man squirt.

1. Perform in a place where it is safe to get dirty

If you're considering trying squirting, it's crucial to choose a location where you don't mind a bit of a mess. As mentioned earlier, squirting can result in significant splattering, with variations in how it disperses—some experience a direct splatter, while others produce more of a mist. 

Surprisingly, it can travel up to 3 meters, so if you thought it was just semen, think again. You might end up wetting your bed and carpet. It's recommended to do it in a "bathroom" where getting wet is acceptable, and you can easily clean up afterward.

For a unique experience, consider incorporating it into intimate moments in the bath. This way, you can explore squirting without disrupting the atmosphere and conveniently wash away any traces after you're done.

2. Danger of overdoing it! There is a risk of damaging the skin or causing delayed ejaculation.

While many men may become addicted to male squirting after experiencing it, it's essential not to overdo it simply because of the allure. There's a risk of excessive rubbing, potentially leading to skin damage or overstimulation that might cause delayed ejaculation.

Particular caution should be taken with the method of "rubbing," especially when using gauze. There's a risk of skin peeling off due to the friction with the cloth. For a safer approach, it's recommended to use a soft palm.

Moreover, when engaging in male squirting, be mindful of accessories like long fingernails and rings. Getting caught during stimulation can be extremely painful. To avoid such issues, ensure your nails are trimmed, and remove any accessories before starting.

3. Squirting to the end! It hurts when I stop...

The key to successful male squirting is to continue the stimulation until the very end, especially when approaching ejaculation. Stopping prematurely increases the risk of conditions like cystitis or urethritis.

Just before squirting, urine is drawn into the urethra. If squirting is interrupted at this stage, urine (along with any remaining semen) may flow back into the bladder, causing discomfort in the penis.

If you've experienced pain during past ejaculations, it might be due to insufficient erection strength, preventing the complete expulsion of semen into the urethra—similar principles apply to squirting backflow.

While occasional backflow may not be a significant issue, repeated instances could lead to conditions like cystitis or urethritis. If symptoms are severe, seeking medical treatment may be necessary. When you feel the urge to release, don't hold back, and make sure to complete the process.

Finally, we'll share a report from a Touch Honey staff member who experienced male squirting for the first time! As squirting novices, they found the sensation incredibly pleasurable, reaching a point of ecstasy. If you're aiming for successful squirting, consider this report as a helpful reference.

A man's squirting experience story 1: The story of being made to squirt for the first time by an older sister-like slut (editorial staff S, adult entertainment department, 26 years old)

At my preferred delivery health service, there's a lady named Ms. N, who exudes an older sister vibe. Ever since she made me squirt for the first time, I've been hooked.

The inaugural squirting experience took place about a year ago in winter. After picking up Ms. N (a lovely older sister in my age group), whom I frequently chose, we relaxed at the hotel. During our time together, Ms. N casually asked, "Are you interested in male squirting?" Intrigued, I expressed my curiosity, and that's when Ms. N took oil in her hand and began stimulating my glans.

Despite the initial ticklishness from recent ejaculation, I allowed Ms. N to continue her playful exploration. However, as the sensation intensified, I felt a need to use the bathroom. When I informed Ms. N, she smiled with satisfaction and said, "That's the tide." Since that encounter, I've been captivated by the allure of male squirting.

Ms. N then proceeded to stimulate my glans. Initially feeling overwhelmed, I attempted to escape, but Ms. N skillfully straddled me, assuming the mount position, while I tried to remain still and allow the glans stimulation to continue.

Around 30 seconds later, as I struggled, my glans started to heat up. Despite my flaccid penis, I sensed something warm flowing from my urethra. In that moment, Ms. N softly murmured, "Ah," as liquid spurted from my penis, scattering in all directions.

"This is squirting," Ms. N kindly explained, leaving me stunned. A sensation akin to guilt washed over me, as if I had committed an unusual act. However, after a while, a pleasurable numbness enveloped my body.

Understanding this feeling might be challenging unless you've experienced squirting—a sense of openness. Since that moment, I've become entirely addicted to squirting. Now, every time I meet Ms. N, she expertly induces the squirting experience.

Men's squirting experience story 2: Squirting experience at a sex club specializing in hand jobs (editorial staff member H, in charge of erotic news, 23 years old)

I initially had an interest in male squirting, leading me to visit a particular adult entertainment venue specializing in handjobs. Despite reading a review promising a squirting experience, the atmosphere upon entering felt like any other adult establishment.

The service provider, though slightly curvy, was a charming girl with a friendly demeanor. She approached the task with ease.

The session began with a standard handjob, showcasing the expected techniques of the specialized industry. The pleasure was so intense that I reached climax in under 5 minutes, aided by the slippery oil. The girl skillfully cleaned up with a smile.

Here's where it got interesting. The girl confidently declared, "Now, I'm going to make you squirt," and proceeded to play with my glans. The sensation of Sage Time administered by a professional exceeded my expectations. While I had experimented on my own before, the experience was heightened with the skillful touch of an expert.

As my glans was enveloped in an oily hand, rotating at a high speed, the intensity almost overwhelmed me. While the process was swift, I achieved squirting in about 20 seconds. The girl acknowledged, "Oh, that's amazing," showcasing her talent. While the experience didn't match traditional ejaculation, it was undeniably pleasurable. I would certainly consider a return visit if the opportunity arises.

A man's squirting experience story 3: A story about trying to squirt with a big-breasted married woman's sex friend (Editorial Department T, Dating Department, 31 years old)

I have a sex friend who is a married woman, and I once challenged her to squirt. It all started when this sex friend asked me about men squirting, and she said, "I want to do it.'' One day after we had sex, we decided to try it out. The location is a hotel room.

After she finished the sex, she took my penis and slowly started rubbing the glans. It tickled me so I lifted my hips and endured it. The discomfort of having a deflated penis is frustrating. She was enjoying how small it was, but I was struggling to fight off the strange feeling.

"I wonder if I'm going to squirt like this," she says, but I can't help but hold back the sound when he takes her glans in his mouth and starts licking her urethral opening with his tongue. It was painful. Still, I gradually started to feel better. "If I keep doing this, maybe I'll be able to squirt?'' I started to feel.

When I felt like that, for some reason my penis started to get bigger. In the end, I played the second match and it was over. After that, I didn't feel like trying it again. The squirting strategy has failed. I would like to try it again next time. However, I get an erection when my penis is touched, so it might not be possible for me.

Summary: Squirting for men feels great! Experience new pleasure

With the right stimulation, any man can experience squirting. The quantity and distance may vary, and achieving multiple orgasms differs from person to person. Yet, from firsthand experience, I can confidently say, "A man's squirting feels the best."

Although it requires continuous stimulation even after ejaculation, the addictive sensation is truly impressive. Explore the information provided here and give male squirting a try. Presented by Touch Honey.

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