All about squirt: what is it and how to provoke it?
Have you ever thought of "squirt" as a refreshing soft drink? Well, it seems that the term has found its way into discussions about sexuality too. Yes, "squirting" has become quite a popular topic in recent years. Unless you've been living in another galaxy, you've probably come across this term. Now, don't get confused, it's not a Pokémon. Instead, it's a concept that can enhance pleasure and bring greater enjoyment to our sexual experiences.
Introduction to Squirting
"Squirt" is the Anglo-Saxon term used to describe the phenomenon of squirting, and it is undeniably a controversial topic. Even sexuality professionals, including gynecologists, sexologists, and urologists, have not reached a consensus on its definition and boundaries. Some professionals even argue that squirting is a fabrication of pornography and essentially the same as ejaculation.
This ongoing debate reflects the limited understanding and research into female sexuality, an area that science has unfortunately neglected. It is crucial that we bring about change and conduct more studies on the sexual experiences of individuals with vulvas.
At Touch Honey, for now (until science confirms or disproves otherwise), we believe that squirting is a real phenomenon that exists. We want to share what we know about it. So, are you ready to gain knowledge about squirting?
How to cause a squirt?
Before we dive into the details, there are a few important factors to consider. Keep in mind that not all women have the ability to achieve squirting, but hey, there's no harm in giving it a try. In the end, we'll most likely have fun exploring and experimenting.
There are several influential factors to keep in mind, and one of them is lubrication. It plays a crucial role. Additionally, mastering the technique is important. Remember, nobody is born an expert, so if you don't achieve the desired result initially, just keep practicing.
The same goes for orgasms. Don't become fixated on the idea that it always has to happen. Instead, focus on enjoying the experience and embracing pleasure. Now, let's get down to business, shall we? We'll guide you step by step on how to induce squirting.
1. Let go of the expectations
When it comes to women and squirting, there's often a lot of pressure and expectations surrounding it. It has become another seemingly "impossible" sexual act that women are expected to perform. This not only contributes to feelings of sexual shame but also makes it difficult to relax enough to experience squirting.
Renowned squirting pioneer and sex educator, Lola Jean, suggests avoiding the notion that you can "make" someone squirt. Instead, think of it as creating an environment that enables them to have the experience. Jean emphasizes that if someone doesn't want to squirt, you can't force them to do anything.
It's important to note that squirting doesn't feel pleasurable for everyone, just like orgasms in general. Therefore, it's crucial to ensure that the receiver is fully enthusiastic and on board before proceeding. Communication and consent are key.
2. Get in the right mindset
To set the stage for squirting, it's important to ensure that both you and your partner are in a relaxed and receptive state of mind. Since squirting involves a release, being relaxed is crucial in order to feel comfortable enough to let your body do its thing without tensing up.
According to licensed sex therapist Moushumi Ghose, LMFT, it's essential for the woman to feel safe and be able to fully let go. This involves being relaxed, present in the moment, and fully connected with your body, while keeping your mind focused and not wandering off.
Remember, the goal here is to experience pleasure, not to put on a performance for yourself or your partner. Embrace and enjoy the sensations your body is feeling, knowing that squirting may or may not happen. The primary purpose is to indulge in pleasure and explore the depths of your own enjoyment.
3. Begin by building intense arousal
To facilitate squirting, it's important to ensure that the vagina and vulva are fully aroused. This process cannot be rushed; it requires patience and exploration.
AASECT-certified sex therapist Jenni Skyler, Ph.D., LMFT, CST, suggests exploring your body and the internal vaginal tissue to identify areas of arousal and erotic potential. Create a comfortable space where you and your partner can freely explore each other's bodies.
When you're genuinely aroused, the vagina naturally becomes lubricated, and the clitoris and labia swell and darken in color. Everything becomes more sensitive and receptive to pleasure.
This heightened state of arousal serves as a foundation for squirting because, in order to reach the ultimate release, you must be willing to fully embrace the journey of pleasure.
4. Focus on stimulating the G-spot area
Once you or your partner are sufficiently aroused, it's time to move on to the main event. When it comes to manual stimulation, Kenneth Play, an experienced sex educator, suggests inserting fingers into the vagina and applying pressure—not friction—to the front wall, which is located about one and a half to three inches in. It's important to note that every woman's anatomy is unique, so the exact location may vary.
This area is commonly referred to as the G-spot, although it's more accurately described as an "area" rather than a specific spot. The G-spot contains a significant amount of erectile tissue and provides access to stimulating the internal, back end of the clitoris.
How do you know if you've found the right spot? According to Katherine Zagone, N.D., a medical director and sexual wellness expert, the texture of the area changes and feels more "rubbery" when you're fully aroused.
5. Explore the use of sex toys
Incorporating sex toys can greatly enhance your potential for squirting. While G-spot stimulation can be achieved manually, using a curved G-spot wand can be particularly effective. Finding the right fit for you is a matter of personal preference.
It's important to note that G-spot stimulation alone is often insufficient for achieving female orgasm or squirting. To reach that heightened state of arousal, consider incorporating care and cleaning of sex toys specifically designed for clitoral stimulation.
Remember to communicate openly with your partner and experiment with different techniques to discover what feels pleasurable for you. Some individuals may prefer vibrations, while others may not. Consistent pressure or circular motions may work for some, while a combination of techniques may be preferred by others. This experience is highly personal and unique to each individual.
(A girl wrote to us that she achieved her first SQUIRT with Geek Wand, and it is a toy for external use only)
6. Master control of your PC muscles
Your pelvic floor muscles, also known as the pubococcygeal (PC) muscles, can play a significant role in squirting. These muscles form a hammock-like structure that supports your lower organs, including the uterus and bowels. While having control over these muscles is not a guarantee for squirting, it can be beneficial.
Kenneth Play emphasizes the importance of mastering these muscles. He suggests developing a "neuromuscular connection," which means being able to consciously contract and relax the PC muscles and control their inward or outward movement.
When the G-spot is vigorously stimulated, it often triggers a natural tendency to squeeze and pull inward rather than bear down. Therefore, one key to enabling squirting is to learn how to bear down during intense G-spot stimulation.
If your partner is involved in the stimulation, you should also actively participate. Ask your partner to alternate between squeezing and bearing down around their fingers to help you calibrate and understand the sensations associated with these actions.
7. Don't overlook the importance of lube
Using lube is crucial in all sexual activities, including squirting. It acts as a protective barrier between toys, fingers, or any other objects and the sensitive, mucus-rich skin of the vulva.
Invest in high-quality lube to enhance your sexual experience, pleasure, and arousal. When in doubt, opt for a water-based lube. While silicone lube offers increased slipperiness and requires less frequent reapplication, it can damage silicone toys.
Pjur lube is an excellent option for a water-based lube that is free of parabens and chemicals. Alternatively, you can explore a list of the best natural lubes available.
In addition to lube, you may consider trying a female arousal gel, such as one from Promescent. These gels can promote blood flow to the clitoris and vulva, enhancing sensitivity and arousal. However, it's important to note that some arousal gels can be too intense for certain individuals. Look for brands that offer mild, all-natural versions to find one that suits your needs.
Remember, lube is an essential tool in creating a comfortable and pleasurable experience, so don't forget to incorporate it into your squirting exploration.

Differences between squirting and female ejaculation
According to sexual health specialists, squirting and female ejaculation are not the same and have several differences. While both occur during heightened sexual stimulation, they vary in the following aspects:
- Fluid composition: Female ejaculate consists of acid phosphatase and prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which is a hormone produced by the female prostate. On the other hand, squirting involves small amounts of urine accompanied by urea, creatinine, uric acid, and prostatic fluid.
- Quantity: Squirting can occur in variable and large quantities, while female ejaculation typically happens in small amounts.
- Involuntary vs. voluntary: Female ejaculation often occurs involuntarily, meaning it happens spontaneously without intentional control. In contrast, squirting can be both involuntary and provoked or learned through specific techniques.
- Fluid appearance: Female ejaculation fluid tends to have a slightly more whitish appearance compared to the fluid involved in squirting.
How do you know when it is squirting?
When it comes to identifying squirting, here are some key points to consider:
- Distinct sensation: Squirting is often accompanied by a distinct sensation that can be described as a powerful release or intense pressure building up before ejaculation.
- Abundant liquid: Squirting involves a significant amount of liquid being expelled. The fluid is predominantly diluted water and comes from the bladder, exiting through the urethra.
- Separation from orgasm: Squirting and orgasm don't always occur simultaneously. Some individuals may experience squirting without reaching orgasm, while others may experience both at the same time.
- Not universal: Not all women are capable of squirting. It varies from person to person, and some may not experience it at all.
- G-spot stimulation: Squirting is often associated with the stimulation of the G-spot, which is located on the front wall of the vagina, about one and a half to three inches in.
- No odor or staining: Squirting fluid typically doesn't have a strong odor, and it is often reported to be odorless. Additionally, it is known to be generally clear and doesn't leave significant stains.
How to know when it is female ejaculation?
When it comes to identifying female ejaculation, here are some factors to consider:
- Accompanied by orgasm: Female ejaculation is typically accompanied by orgasm. It occurs as a result of intense sexual arousal and climax.
- Whitish fluid: Female ejaculation involves the release of a whitish liquid. This fluid originates from the Skene's glands, also known as the female prostate, and is expelled through the urethra or the vagina.
- Variable quantity: The amount of ejaculate can vary from person to person and may sometimes be small. In some cases, it can be difficult to discern the ejaculate from vaginal lubrication, as they can be mixed together.
- Individual variation: While many women are capable of experiencing female ejaculation, it is not a universal phenomenon. Not all women may experience it, and the intensity and amount of ejaculate can vary among individuals.
Squirting: Prevention
It is infinitely good that you dare to reach the squirt but always take the necessary precaution. If at any time you have had a crazy night with someone who you think may be infected with some type of sexually transmitted disease, this is your place.
It is important to test for STDs because these infections are usually very contagious and often have no apparent symptoms. In fact, in most cases, it is usually asymptomatic.
Do you want to achieve it?
Absolutely! Exploring squirting or any other sexual experience can indeed be a different and liberating sensation. It can be a journey of self-discovery, letting go, and surrendering to pleasure. It's important to approach it with a positive and open mindset, allowing yourself to explore and enjoy new sensations.
However, it's crucial to remember that not everyone may be able to achieve squirting or any specific sexual experience, and that's perfectly okay. Our sexuality is diverse, and pleasure can be found in many different ways. It's not necessary for your sexuality to be considered incomplete or underdeveloped if squirting doesn't happen for you.
Pleasure is a multifaceted and individual experience that goes beyond specific points, areas, or experiences. It's about finding what feels good and brings joy to you and your partner(s) within consensual and safe boundaries.
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