How to do cunnilingus- 9 Oral Sex Tips

What is cunnilingus?

Cunnilingus is a sexual practice that involves the oral stimulation of a person's vulva, clitoris, and other sensitive areas using the mouth, lips, and tongue. It is a form of oral sex performed on individuals with vulvas, with the goal of providing pleasure and sexual satisfaction. Cunnilingus is often considered an intimate and pleasurable activity that can be enjoyed as part of foreplay or as the main focus of sexual activity. As with any sexual activity, it's important to engage in clear communication and obtain enthusiastic consent from all parties involved.

What should I know before performing cunnilingus?

First and foremost, it's important to understand that every individual, vulva, and clitoris is unique. If you have a vulva yourself, it's natural to have certain expectations about your partner's body. However, it's essential to keep in mind that their labia or clitoris may look different from yours. Additionally, the size, sensitivity, and positioning of their clitoris and vulva can vary, leading to different sensations and preferences. What feels pleasurable for one person may not be the same for another. It's crucial to approach each experience with an open mind and a willingness to explore different actions and positions. Communication and experimentation with your partner are key to discovering what feels good and enjoyable for both of you. Remember, embracing the uniqueness of each individual's body leads to a more fulfilling and satisfying experience. 

9 movements to practice the art of cunnilingus

Cunnilingus can be a delightful addition to pleasure for individuals with a vulva. If you're unsure where to begin, we're here to share nine tongue movements to enhance your skills and explore the art of cunnilingus. These techniques can help you provide pleasurable experiences and deepen your understanding of this intimate act.

While it may appear complex, mastering cunnilingus requires just three essential elements: willingness, effective communication, and a genuine desire to learn.

Don't just play with the clitoris

A common mistake that many people make is rushing directly to the most sensitive spot: the clitoris. Instead, it can be beneficial to explore and stimulate all the different parts that make up the vulva, saving the clitoris for later. In fact, some individuals may find it overwhelming or even unpleasant to have intense stimulation right from the start. So, begin with gentle caresses, kisses, and gradually work your way from her feet, along her legs, and up to her thighs. Paying attention to every part of the vulva can heighten the overall pleasure and build anticipation.

9 Steps to do cunnilingus

Start playing

To initiate cunnilingus, begin by kissing and caressing your partner's body, building anticipation and desire. Position yourself between their legs and use a flat tongue to lick their vulva from bottom to top, similar to licking ice cream. Focus on gently touching and stimulating their outer lips, allowing each erogenous zone to awaken.

Increase the power little by little

Once all the areas of interest have been awakened, you should know that you can play with your lips as directed, press, lick, stretch, kiss... But ALWAYS controlling the intensity. The key is to play with them but with subtlety.

Focus on the vulva lips

After awakening the different areas of interest, it's important to remember that you can continue to explore and play with your lips as directed, using techniques such as pressing, licking, stretching, and kissing. However, it's crucial to always maintain control over the intensity. The key is to engage in these actions with subtlety, being mindful of your partner's responses and adjusting accordingly. 

Magic combo

Enhance your tongue massages by incorporating subtle suctions on their lips, creating delightful surprises and varied sensations. It's crucial to remain highly attuned to your partner's body language, taking note of their responses and cues. If you're unsure about their preferences or how they're feeling, don't hesitate to communicate openly and ask for guidance. Remember, effective communication is the key to fostering a heightened sense of eroticism and ensuring a pleasurable experience for both you and your partner.

Invite your hands

As you engage in stimulating the labia, it's a great opportunity to incorporate your hands into the experience. Your hands are a valuable asset, so make use of them. While focusing on the labia, you can place your fingers at the vaginal entrance and apply gentle pressure as you caress it. This combination of manual stimulation and oral pleasure can heighten the overall sensation and pleasure for your partner.

Crown jewel

Once you have attentively and passionately stimulated the various areas of the vulva, it's time to shift your focus to the main event: the clitoris. As you make initial contact, use the tip of your tongue to encircle the clitoris, employing gentle and delicate circular movements. This technique allows for a gradual and pleasurable transition to direct clitoral stimulation. Remember to maintain a light touch and pay close attention to your partner's responses, adjusting your actions accordingly.

The right stimulation

As you continue pleasuring your partner, redirect your attention back to the lips of the vulva. Use your flat tongue to caress them gently from top to bottom, savoring each moment. Additionally, explore your partner's body with your hands, caressing her thighs, breasts, nipples, or any other erogenous zones that come to mind. The key is to create a pleasurable rhythm by alternating between clitoral stimulation and the previous steps. By incorporating a variety of sensations, you can enhance the overall experience and build anticipation.

Repeat with enthusiasm

Here are some techniques to stimulate and awaken the clitoris. With one hand, gently part the labia to expose the clitoris. Then, using the tip of your tongue, create delicate movements in the shape of letters A, B, and C around the clitoris. Take care to be gentle and avoid going too far, as excessive pressure or stimulation can be uncomfortable or irritating for your partner.

G Zone

In the final stages, you can place the clitoris between your lips and apply gentle pressure. Create a rhythmic sucking sensation on the clitoris, being mindful of your partner's comfort and sensitivity. At the same time, ensure your fingers always very well lubricated and gently penetrate the vagina, aiming to stimulate the G-spot with light pressure. This combination of oral and manual stimulation can intensify pleasure and create a deeply satisfying experience.

We have given you some tricks, but always communicate with your sexual partner and discover their preferences... You will surely succeed!

Are there any risks involved with cunnilingus?

Cunnilingus carries a relatively low risk of transmitting sexually transmitted infections (STIs), but it's important to be aware of potential risks. Some STIs, including herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, and human papillomavirus (HPV), can be transmitted through oral-genital contact. To minimize the risk, it is recommended to use barriers like dental dams or condoms during cunnilingus, especially if there are open sores, lesions, or active infections present. Good oral hygiene is also important as poor oral health or oral wounds can increase the risk of transmission. Regular STI testing and open communication about sexual health with partners are crucial.

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