How to control premature ejaculation

Absolutely, you're reading it right. Today, we're here to guide you on managing premature ejaculation with a few straightforward steps. Our male sexual health specialists are well-versed in various techniques to delay ejaculation, and our goal is to help you enjoy more satisfying and longer-lasting sexual experiences.

Are you eager to learn how to control premature ejaculation? Great, stay tuned, because we're about to share all of our closely-guarded secrets. We're doing this because we genuinely care about you and are dedicated to finding a solution that suits your needs.

Techniques to avoid ejaculation

To give you some context, it's important to note that roughly one in three men experiences this kind of sexual dysfunction. If it hasn't affected you already, it may become a significant concern in the future. This is why it's crucial to understand the issue and learn how to address it.

Interestingly, only 25% of individuals diagnosed with this condition seek help from a specialist, leaving 75% without a solution to improve their sexual life. Today, we aim to demonstrate how Touch Honey, thanks to advances in technology and medicine, offers a unique opportunity to rejuvenate your sexual life.

You might have heard countless tips on preventing premature ejaculation, and some of them may have been mere myths. But don't worry! We're here to provide you with all the essential insights so you can learn how to effectively manage premature ejaculation.

Start-Stop: “The technique”

This may sound somewhat familiar, but we're not talking about a car, like a Renault Megane. Instead, we're discussing a person and a technique to prevent premature ejaculation. Let's delve into it. The Start-Stop Technique is one of the most commonly employed methods to delay ejaculation, and it involves several steps:

Dry Hand:

  • Perform 3 movements with a pause of 2 or 3 seconds, and repeat this process 10 times. 
  • If you happen to ejaculate prematurely during this process, don't worry! You'll need to start over and aim to maintain control for at least 10 days. 
  • After that, try to achieve the same goal with 5 movements. 
  • Once you succeed, increase it to 7 movements in a row. 

Lubricated Hand:

  • This phase comes after you've completed the process with a dry hand. 
  • Repeat the same steps, and once you've mastered it, involve your partner in practicing the technique as well.


With this approach, we will discover how to manage the various sensations leading up to ejaculation, all without needing a partner's assistance. It's a technique you can practice independently.

The goal here is to stimulate the penis through masturbation or sexual intercourse, and you might wonder, "How does this help control premature ejaculation?" It's quite straightforward. When you feel on the verge of ejaculation, you should pause and apply pressure to the head of the penis. This pressure should be maintained for about 3 or 4 seconds, even if it feels a bit uncomfortable. Once you've successfully done this, repeating it 5 times in succession should suffice.

If you find that it isn't effective, there's an alternative option: squeezing the base of the penis. Don't hesitate to give it a try and let us know how it works for you.

Kegel exercises

When it comes to controlling premature ejaculation, Kegel exercises are among the most effective methods. These exercises help strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, which in turn enhance your ability to manage your ejaculatory urges.

Moreover, Kegel exercises can also be beneficial for addressing urinary incontinence. You can perform them from the comfort of your home, similar to working out at a gym. The routine typically involves doing 10 sets of 10 repetitions each day.

If you have any questions or need guidance, feel free to reach out to us, and we'll be delighted to assist you.

Tips to avoid premature ejaculation

Sometimes, all you need to do is listen, feel, and relax. Often, anxiety can trigger various bodily sensations that lead to complicated or undesirable situations. So, here are some guidelines to help you learn how to manage premature ejaculation:

  • Keep Communication Open:

It's crucial to maintain open and honest communication with your partner. Sharing your concerns and experiences is essential in building trust. When engaging in sexual relations, trust is of utmost importance, so don't hesitate to talk about your feelings and needs.

  • Avoid Pressure:

Don't put unnecessary pressure on yourself to perform. Instead, focus on enjoying the experience without overly fixating on specific expectations.

  • Steer Clear of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Drugs:

The use of alcohol, tobacco, or drugs can significantly impact your relationships and sexual performance. It's best to avoid these substances to maintain a healthier and more satisfying sexual life. 

  • Mind Your Breathing:

Stay calm and composed by controlling your breathing. Reducing nervousness and stress will help everything flow more naturally. 

By following these guidelines, you can take positive steps toward preventing premature ejaculation and enhancing your overall sexual experience.

The mind and ejaculatory control

    Although controlling ejaculation with your mind might sound like something out of science fiction, our experts in male andrology have valuable advice to share on this subject. At Touch Honey, we are dedicated to addressing all kinds of sexual concerns, which is why we have the best sexologists in the field.

    The mind plays a crucial role in the control of ejaculation. The ejaculatory reflex typically occurs when we reach the peak of our sexual arousal. To manage this reflex effectively, we need to consider various factors, both physical and mental. Depending on the intensity of these factors, we can control when ejaculation occurs, whether it happens sooner or later.

    You'll be able to once again enjoy completely satisfying sexual relations, not through telekinesis, but by following the tips we're providing today.

    Psychological causes of lack of control over ejaculation

    Low self-esteem, anxiety, nervousness, a loss of confidence, or sexual dissatisfaction are some of the underlying reasons why men experience premature ejaculation. While it can sometimes be linked to physical issues, the primary causes are often of a psychological nature.

    To overcome the challenges of unsatisfactory sexual relations, it's crucial to pursue a targeted treatment approach.

    This treatment involves learning how to control ejaculation through progressive therapies that focus on harnessing the power of your mind. Various techniques and methods will help you identify and regulate the internal sensations occurring in the penis, particularly those leading to the peak of sexual arousal and orgasm.

    How to control ejaculation with your mind

    To understand how to prevent premature ejaculation, it's important to grasp the step-by-step process of the ejaculatory reflex.

    • Initial Stimulation: It all begins with a specific sexual trigger, whether it's an image or a thought perceived by our brain. This stimulation serves to send signals to the various mechanisms involved in the process of achieving an erection.
    • Escalating Excitement: As we stimulate our genital area, sexual excitement increases, and it can reach a point where control becomes challenging. This is the moment when involuntary contractions in the muscles start to expel semen.
    • Rapid Satisfaction: The brain is accustomed to immediate satisfaction, which often accelerates the process. This rapid pace may lead to the quick release of semen, denying us the chance to savor the time between arousal and climax.



    Overcoming this challenge involves gaining mastery over our mind. This is the key to fully enjoying sexual relations. Premature ejaculation can impact not only us but also our partners, as they may find it difficult to reach orgasm. Once ejaculation occurs, it's often challenging to maintain an erection, and a decrease in sexual desire may follow.

    By learning to control our thoughts and mental processes, we can improve our sexual experiences and provide satisfaction to both ourselves and our partners.

    This can be attributed to several factors, including:

    • Early Conditioning: Our upbringing and early experiences may have conditioned us to seek immediate satisfaction without considering the long-term consequences. Over time, our brain may have become accustomed to ejaculating quickly, making it challenging to change this pattern.
    • Excessive Arousal: Excessive excitement, particularly during initial sexual encounters with a new partner or after a prolonged period without sexual activity (e.g., during phase 1), can contribute to premature ejaculation.
    • Stress: High-stress situations can play tricks on our minds and lead to premature ejaculation. Pressure and anxiety can interfere with our ability to control the timing of ejaculation.
    • Other Factors: Both physical and psychological factors can come into play, such as a lack of mental control and heightened sensitivity in the glans (the head of the penis).

    Understanding and addressing these factors can be crucial in effectively managing premature ejaculation and enhancing your overall sexual experience.

    Tips to control the ejaculatory reflex

    Engaging in a mundane mental task to distract yourself from pleasure is one of the least effective ways to learn how to control sexual arousal. This approach is not likely to make your sexual experiences more enjoyable and is, in fact, one of the common myths about addressing premature ejaculation.

    There are several tactics that can help you achieve better control over premature ejaculation, some of the most notable being:

    • Kegel Exercises: In addition to managing your thoughts, focusing on your breathing, and controlling your level of excitement, Kegel exercises can be particularly beneficial.
    • Start-Stop Technique: This exercise can be practiced both individually and with your sexual partner. It involves self-stimulation, and when you're on the verge of ejaculation, you pause. Repeating this process and attempting to extend the duration can help delay ejaculation.
    • Preparation: Consider various strategies to help you last longer in bed, such as masturbating a few hours before sexual activity, engaging in sexual play during foreplay, or incorporating periods of sexual abstinence.

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