5 infallible massages for the penis

There are massages that, in addition to being relaxing, can be very exciting... discover how to massage a penis with these 5 techniques!

The usual "up and down" motion is perfectly fine, no one is saying otherwise. However, we always strive to expand your sexual repertoire and make you an expert. That's why today, we're presenting a simple and effective 5-step penis massage technique to enhance your partner's (or your own) pleasure. You can choose to perform the entire series of movements or focus on one that you and your partner enjoy the most.

Just like any proper genital massage, the key ingredient here is a water-based lubricant. So, before you begin, generously apply the lubricant to your hands (it's better to have more than not enough).

What is Penis Massage?

Penis massage, also known as Lingam massage, has a rich history of being utilized as a means to enhance sexual and spiritual awareness.

Derived from the Sanskrit word for "penis," Lingam massage is a tantric practice that involves the massage of the penis and its surrounding areas. During a Lingam massage, the following body parts are typically included in the massage:

  • Penis
  • Testicles
  • Perineum (the area between the anus and scrotum)
  • In some cases, even the prostate

It's important to note that the primary objective of Lingam massage extends beyond achieving orgasm. The ultimate goal is to cultivate holistic sexual and spiritual pleasure, focusing on a deeper connection and exploration of one's sexuality.

4 Facts About Penis Size: 

Here are some important facts to know about penis size:

1. Wide Variation in Size: 

Penis size can vary significantly among individuals. The average erect penis size is around 5.16 inches (13.12 cm), while the average flaccid size is approximately 3.61 inches (9.16 cm). It's important to remember that these are averages, and there is a wide range of sizes considered normal.

2. No Relation to Race: 

There is no evidence to support the notion that penis size is linked to race or ethnicity. Penis size is determined by a combination of genetic and environmental factors, and it can vary among individuals of all racial and ethnic backgrounds. 

3. Size Isn't Everything: 

While some people may place emphasis on penis size, it's important to understand that size is not the sole determinant of sexual satisfaction. Factors such as communication, emotional connection, sexual technique, and overall sexual compatibility play crucial roles in pleasurable sexual experiences.

4. Changes Over Time:

Penis size can change over time due to various factors. Aging, hormonal fluctuations, weight fluctuations, and certain health conditions can contribute to changes in penis size. These changes can be temporary or permanent, depending on the underlying cause.

How do I position myself to masturbate my partner?  

To position yourself for pleasuring your partner through masturbation, follow these steps:

  • Ask your partner to sit on the edge of the bed or couch while you position yourself behind them. 
  • Place one leg on each side of their body and slide your arms underneath theirs. 
  • Take advantage of being behind your partner and gently press your chest against their back. Take deep breaths together. As you inhale, your chests will connect, and as you exhale, your partner will feel your chest gradually lifting away.

Movement 1

In this technique, you'll utilize a lesser-known part of your hands called the metacarpals. These are the padded areas located in the palms where they meet the fingers.

  • Interlace your fingers, keeping your thumbs straight and pointing upward. 
  • Now, stretch your fingers to bring the knuckles together. 
  • Perform slow and deliberate upward lifts, applying firm pressure. 
  • As you bring your hands back down, use your thumbs to massage each side of the shaft.

Repeat this sequence several times, taking your time. Remember, there's no need to rush. While you may not have a clear view from behind your partner, pay attention to their breathing and moans to gauge their enjoyment.

Movement 2

In this technique, your thumbs will come into play as you focus on massaging the glans, which is the most sensitive area of the male genitals, containing around 4,000 nerve endings. Approach this with care and affection:

  • Maintain your position behind your partner, but now keep your palms slightly apart. 
  • Begin massaging their penis from the base, moving towards the glans, as if you were trying to bring your palms closer together. 
  • Once you reach the glans, use your thumbs to massage it in circular motions. 

Continue the circular motion on the glans and then gradually move back down towards the base.

Change of Position: 

If you choose to perform all the movements in sequence, it's time to change your posture. Ask your partner to sit at the back of the bed or sofa and open their legs to form a triangle shape. Then, position yourself between their legs, facing each other. Make use of eye contact to further enhance their excitement and connection.

Movement 3

During this face-to-face position, it's time to let your more skilled hand take control:

  • Place your non-dominant hand at the base of the penis, providing a stable grip.
  • With your dominant hand, use gentle up and down motions to massage the shaft.
  • Then, cradle his testicles with your dominant hand and, using your thumb, give a gentle massage, moving from one testicle to the other (remember to be gentle!).

Movement 4

In this technique, your thumb takes the spotlight:

  • Keep one hand at the base of the penis, providing support and stability. 
  • With your other hand, use the pad of your thumb to make circular motions all over the shaft. 
  • Begin at the base and gradually extend this circular movement throughout the entire length of the penis.

Movement 5

If you've followed the previous movements step by step, this final technique will serve as a perfect closing:

  • Maintain face-to-face contact with your partner. With your lubricated hands, grasp his penis with your palm facing upwards and slowly slide it from the base to the glans.
  • Once you reach the glans, turn your hand over, allowing your thumb to stimulate it by making circular motions.
  • Simultaneously, repeat the movement with your other hand. Alternate between hands, stimulating from the base to the glans, as if you were pulling a rope, following a 1-2, 1-2 pattern.

Remember, these are just guidelines, and it's important to communicate with your partner to discover what they enjoy and what they don't. This way, you can find the perfect techniques and spots for a pleasurable session. Feel free to use your imagination and explore new variations. Additionally, you can incorporate cock ring or penis massager for added enjoyment. And most importantly, enjoy the experience together!

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