How to Wear a Cock Ring


Cock Ring makes you longer, harder and stronger.

Having a good sex life is important, whether you’re just dating or you’re already in a loving marriage. In fact, doing well in bed with your partner can do wonders for your well-being, both physically and mentally.

Now, most of the time, how you perform isn’t always that important. So long as you love each other. Of course, that is not always the case.

A bad performance in bed, especially on a really bad day, can be just as bad or even worse than not having sex at all. In fact, if it’s the right time, or in this case, the wrong time, bad sex can ruin a relationship.

During sex, men and women measure their orgasms very differently.

Women tend to take longer to climax, so it’s up to the man to last long enough for her to enjoy your sexual activities. 

So, it’s a simple formula. If you don’t last long, she won’t be happy.

Luckily, there are ways for men to help improve their sexual performance, at least when it comes to the longevity of their erections.

A healthy lifestyle with proper diet and exercise certainly helps with that, or course. But there are also sex toys that not only helps you last longer but can even improve the quality of your orgasms.

We’re talking about cock rings.

What are Cock Rings?

Cock rings, also known as C-rings or delay rings, are a type of toy that you wear at the base of your penis. Cock rings are designed to help improve the quality of a man’s erections, including its size, longevity, and quality.

As you may have guessed by the name, they are rings made from various materials, with diameters anywhere between 2 – 4 inches wide.

These sex toys are designed in such a way that when worn, will constrict the blood flow in your penis. So, when you manage to get an erection, the cock ring prevents the blood from draining out of your penis’s blood vessels.

You get to prolong your erections, basically.

Of course, that’s not the only benefit to cock rings. Locking in the blood into your penis can make your erections much harder, effectively improving the quality of your erections, too. 

If used in tandem with a penis pump, with the cock ring locking in the resulting erection, you end up with a larger than usual, as well as a very sensitive penis. 

Some cock rings have extensions on them that are designed to stimulate your partner’s clitoris while you are having sex with them. Some might even have vibrating features, as well, designed to stimulate both your penis and your partner’s vagina. 

How to Wear a Cock Ring

Wearing cock rings is fairly straightforward once you learn how. You have a ring, and you have your penis. 

All you need to do is insert it, right? Well, sure, but there are a few steps you need to take to not only make the most out of your cock ring, but also keep you from getting hurt. 

Apply Lubricant

For the cock ring to work properly, it needs to be slightly smaller than the diameter of your penis’s base. 

Now, most cock rings are flexible enough to stretch, so this wouldn’t be a problem. But it can still be a little uncomfortable to put on. 

That’s where lube comes in handy. 

Apply lube on your penis as well as the inside of the cock ring. This should let the cock ring slight into place without issue. 

If you plan on using a condom, wear the condom first before you put the cock ring on. 

Wear it When You are Semi-Erect

With the right amount of lube, you can wear your cock ring with little difficulty. Of course, it can still be a little uncomfortable to some. 

If that’s the case, try wearing your cock ring when your penis is not completely erect yet. This should make it easier to put on. 

Find a Comfortable Position

Using a cock ring for the first time might feel weird, so you will need time to adjust to it. A good way to make things easier for yourself and your partner is to find a comfortable position during sex. 

What is comfortable can vary from one person to the next, so keep an open mind and experiment a bit. 

How to Choose the Right Cock Ring for Yourself

Because there are so many types of cock rings out there, it can be a bit overwhelming to choose the best one for your needs. 

Everyone has their own unique tastes, so what you might need out of your cock ring will differ from another person’s needs. 

Of course, the first thing you need to consider when choosing the right cock ring is the size. You wouldn’t want it too tight, or it might constrict the blood flow too much, which can lead to health problems down the line. 

You also wouldn’t want a cock ring that’s too loose, otherwise, it won’t be able to maintain your erection at all. 

Another thing you’ll need to consider would be the materials. You would want a cock ring that is made from safe, non-toxic materials, but are also flexible. 

Having a cock ring that’s too rigid will have the same problems as a cock ring that’s too tight. You might end up restricting the blood flow too much, even if it’s the right size for you. 

Aside from these considerations, there are a lot of other features you’ll need to think about. Do you want a cock ring that vibrates? Do you prefer one that can stimulate your partner, too? Do you want one that can help enhance your orgasms? 

There are plenty of toys to choose from, but we’ve made a list of our own recommendations below to help you out. 

Multiple Ways to Play. Build a harder longer erection for men.


  • Vibration Feature: None
  • Additional Stimulation: Clitoris
  • Run Time: Unlimited
  • Charging Time: No Charge Needed
  • Other Features: Comes with 4 sizes, waterproof, good elasticity


  • Low price
  • Excellent for beginners
  • Flexible


  • No extra features

This cock ring comes in the most basic design. It does come in 4 different sizes, so you wouldn’t have to worry about choosing a size too small or too large. 

It’s made entirely of body-safe medical grade silicone, which gives it extra flexibility and comfort. The bump on the ring itself is designed to stimulate your partner’s clitoris during sex. 

If you’re looking for everything you need from a cock ring without adding unnecessary complex features, then you can’t go wrong with this set.

A vibrator cock ring.


  • Vibration Feature: 10 Frequencies
  • Additional Stimulation: Penis, Testicles, Clitoris
  • Run Time: 1 hour
  • Charging Time: 2 hours
  • Other Features: Waterproof, Ring


  • Wireless Charging
  • 10 vibration options
  • Very secure


  • No remote control
  • Clitoris Stimulation is not targeted well

The 3-point attachment on this cock ring means there’s very little chance it will slip during those intense sessions. On top of that, it also boasts a vibrating feature that has 10 vibration settings to choose from.

Unfortunately, you will have to control the vibe options on the cock ring itself, since there is no remote control for this unit. Still, it’s a comfortable sex toy that offers quite a bit for its small size.

A doble cock ring and how to use it.



  • Vibration Feature: 10 vibration options
  • Additional Stimulation: Clitoris, Scrotum
  • Run Time: 1 hour
  • Charging Time: 2 hours
  • Other Features: Dual ring design, offers testicle stimulation


  • Versatile
  • Improved Vibrations
  • Ribbed texture


  • No remote control

Compared to most other cock rings of the same size, this lightly thicker and wider down the middle. This makes it more comfortable to wear, since it offers plenty of support.

It’s also convertible between a double cock ring and a ball and cock ring. When used as a ball and cock ring, it can help keep your balls away from your body while you ejaculate, giving you stronger orgasms.

It certainly offers a good balance between security and comfort.

A cock ring that stimulates also scrotal and perineum zone.


  • Vibration Feature: 10 Vibration Settings
  • Additional Stimulation: Scrotum, Perineum
  • Run Time: 1 hour
  • Charging Time: 2 hours
  • Other Features: Scrotum stimulation, perineum stimulation


  • Excellent support
  • Scrotal and Perineum stimulation
  • Waterproof


  • Not suitable for larger penises
  • Might be uncomfortable for some

This cock ring offers stimulation for both your balls and your perineum through its vibrating feature, which has 10 vibrating options for you to choose from.

Aside from the vibe option, it also has nubs and ribs to maximize the stimulation for your testicles.

10 powerful vibrations, but quiet. Mute < 45dB


  • Vibration Feature: 10 vibration frequencies
  • Additional Stimulation: Clitoris, scrotum
  • Run Time: 1 hour
  • Charging Time: 2 hours
  • Other Features: dual vibration motors, ball ring design


  • Remote-controlled
  • Strong vibration motor
  • Testicular support


  • Remote control has a slight delay
  • Strong vibrations might be uncomfortable to some

Its 10-frequency vibrating function is supported by its dual motors, which means you won’t be lacking in power at all. In fact, it produces enough vibrating power for both you and your partner.

What makes this such a wonder of all cock rings is that all this power doesn’t make much noise. It’s completely quiet. 

Its overall design also offers plenty of support for your testicles, as well as great stimulation for them, too.

A cock ring that stimulates anus of man, clitoris and G-spot of his partner.



  • Vibration Feature: 7 Vibration Settings
  • Additional Stimulation: Clitoris, perineum
  • Run Time: 1 hour
  • Charging Time: 2 hours
  • Other Features: Remote control


  • Remote control for 7 vibration options
  • Flexible material
  • Focused stimulation for the clitoris and perineum


  • A bit bulky due to the clitoris stimulator
  • Rings are a bit too thin

What sets this cock ring apart from other vibrating cock rings is that it offers a focused vibrating feature for the clitoris.

This gives it the ability to stimulate your partner more precisely, as opposed to a vibrating cock ring that doesn’t have a similar structure. It also has a similar vibrating feature for the perineum, so the man doesn’t feel left out.

It has 7 vibration settings for you to choose from, all of which you can control via remote control. 

One downside is that the rings themselves are a bit too thin, although since there are 2 of them, it does offer significant support. 

3 motors for clitoris & testicles shared stimulation. Bunny ears for precise testicles simulation.


  • Vibration Feature: 10 Vibration settings
  • Additional Stimulation: Clitoris, Testicles
  • Run Time: 1 hour
  • Charging Time: 2 hours
  • Other Features: Focused testicular stimulation, 3 vibration motors


  • 3 Vibration motors offer excellent precision
  • Excellent support
  • Flexible materials


  • Lower half of the ring is too thin
  • Unable to support larger penises

With this cock ring, you wouldn’t have to worry that your testicles will be left out. It has a pronged design, with both ends offering a focused stimulation for your balls. 

Even better, both ends have their own motor for a stronger vibration, as well as a third motor at the top of the ring. 

All 3 vibrator motors can offer plenty of vibration stimulation for both you and your partner. All of this is controllable via remote control, for up to 10 meters away. 

Unfortunately, the ring itself is pretty small in diameter, which means it might not fit on thicker penises.

Nice couple experience. Improve the lasting of sex.


  • Vibration Feature: 12 vibration options
  • Additional Stimulation: Clitoris, balls, penis, g-spot
  • Run Time: 1 hour
  • Charging Time: 2 hours
  • Other Features: Shaft stimulator, clitoris stimulator, remote control


  • Excellent stimulation for the g-spot
  • Remote control
  • All in one stimulator


  • A little heavy
  • Bulky

If you’re looking for a versatile cock ring, you can’t go wrong with this model. It is specifically designed to stimulate your partner just as you are having sex. 

It has a vibrator on top that can stimulate her clitoris. It also has a support that guides your shaft upwards, allowing your penis to stimulate her g-spot, too. 

The rings are also designed to act as ball rings, too, for a stronger orgasm, as well as extra support. 

All of this is powered by a vibrating feature that has a whopping 12 frequency setting, which you can control remotely. 

Unfortunately, thanks to its feature-heavy design, it does make this cock ring a little heavy and a little bulky, so keep that in mind. 

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